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The Netherlands has found Geert Wilders guilty of hate speech

GEERT WILDERS, the Eurosceptic, anti-Muslim populist leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), has spent the past decade testing the limits of the Netherlands’ tolerance for intolerance. On December 9th he discovered he had at last managed to go too far. A court in Amsterdam found Mr Wilders guilty of public insult and incitement to discrimination, over a speech in which he called for “fewer Moroccans” in the country.

Members of the Moroccan-Dutch and other ethnic minorities were pleased to see the state take their outrage seriously. But Mr Wilders vowed to appeal, and he responded to the verdict with an all-out attack on the Dutch judiciary. “The Netherlands has become a sick country,” he said in a video message. He accused the judges who sentenced him of political bias and of infringing freedom of expression, and added: “No one trusts you anymore.” He will no doubt repeat this attack incessantly during his campaign for the national elections, scheduled for March 15th. He is currently leading in the polls. Lees meer

Hollanda dergisi Münire Manisa’yı aday gösterdi

Top 10 listesi belirlenecek olan oylamada adaylar arasında yer alan Münire Manisa 2014 yılından bu yana Amsterdam Yeni Batı bölgesibde PvdA’lı meclis üyesi olarak biliniyor. Manisa, aynı zamanda Motivaction tarafından Türk gençleriyle ilgili yapılan araştırma sonucunun ardından Turks-Nederlands Tegengeluid kurucularından birisi.

Araştırmada Türk gençlerinin yüzde 90’ı DAEŞ terör örgütüne sempati duyuyor gibi saçma bir sonuç çıkmış ve Türk toplumu bu konuda sessiz kalmamıştı. Ülkü Öğüt ile birlikte Manisa da konuyla ilgili çalışma başlatıp Bakanlığın aynı konuyu tekrar araştırmasını sağlamasında etkili olmuş ve Motivaction’ın araştırma sonucunun doğru olmadığı ıspatlanmıştı.
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TDC in gesprek met de ministers

De Turkish Dutch Council (TDC) gaf jongeren dinsdagavond de kans om met ministers Jet Bussemaker en Ronald Plasterk in gesprek te gaan over maatschappelijke vraagstukken waar Turkse-Nederlanders tegen aan lopen.

Volgens Münire Manisa van TDC is er de laatste twee jaar veel te doen geweest over de Turks-Nederlandse gemeenschap. ‘Het is op een gegeven moment zo hoog opgelopen dat alles waar maar een Turks tintje aan zat erg spannend was en ophef veroorzaakte. Jongeren met een zonnebril waren opeens het gesprek van de dag.’ Lees meer

Opening van het Regenboogpad

Vanmiddag de opening van het regenboogpad met Achmed BaadoudErik BobeldijkRonald Mauer, Arjan Vliegenthart en Dolly Bellefleur gehad. Het was een bijzonder moment.

Ik gaf tijdens de opening aan dat ik heel blij en trots ben dat we het regenboogpad in een wereldstad als Amsterdam Nieuw-West mogen openen. Met 100 meter is het een prachtig pad geworden. Tegelijkertijd ben ik bang dat we onszelf te snel op de borst gaan kloppen omdat we nu een regenboogpad hebben, terwijl er nog zo veel meer nodig is voor de acceptatie van de LHBTI gemeenschap (Lesbisch, Homoseksueel, Biseksueel, Transgender, Interseksueel). Zolang mensen zich moeten schamen voor hun seksuele geaardheid,
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